Saturday, 30 August 2014

Lets turn back the clock...


Well, it has been a while...nearly 14-15 months since my last post...

I have noticed that the blog has still had some regular viewing traffic throughout the hiatus, so if you were awaiting my next post, which was to detail my female Farseer conversion, I do apologize.

The past year has been interesting. I started University, studying European history, German and English. It's the first proper academic study that I have done since finishing high school back in 2010, so it has taken some getting used to; particularly getting back into the gist of essay writing, researching, and general punctuation and grammar (which I am likely completely butchering here). Early July this year I also moved interstate to the ACT, which has been quite full on, but I'm now settled, in the routine of things, studying, started an awesome job, and ready to pick up from where I left off.

A few things have changed hobby wise since then, due to moving I sold of excess models and a few collections. The main collection I sold was my Flames of War, which isn't a big deal since I never made a post on them. I do intend to pick it up again at some point, but I'm going to wait until more of the new plastic kits come out, and when I'm more solid on a list (As I can never decide, ever). Other than that I sold off excess kits that I could easily acquire again, such as my Eldar Grav tanks, Wraith guard and Wraith Knight (both of which were still in the box).

Of course, I have also acquired some new things. I have started Skaven and Dark Elves, picked up a few Bolt action models, and also started a Malifaux crew, being Hamelin. It's a never ending cycle of culling and growing really.

I am aiming to try and get in a post a week/fortnight, and also some regular modelling and painting going. I really dropped the ball in this area of late, so I'm hoping to keep things consistent, even if I'm only doing one model a week or fortnight; as long as I am doing something.

Now for the female Farseer conversion...

The conversion was fairly simple for the most part. I removed the top half of the torso above where the sash/belt started, and replaced it with a Sister of Avalon torso. Cutting down the torso to fit snugly was a bit tricky at first, so If you do use this method, make sure you have a few on hand, as I ended cutting a few down too much. But once you get it snug it works great. I also filed parts of the cloak interior to help with getting it in. I then green stuffed any gaps, and part of the sash where I had made some cuts. When doing this, be careful of the wraithbone loincloth thing. It can be easy to accidentally apply pressure to it, so be wary of that so you don't end up breaking it.

The head and blade arm is also magnetised, since I like to keep the options open, even if some are just aesthetic. I had also removed the 'beard' on the Ghosthelm and smoothed it to make it more feminine. I do plan to give her a bare head option, but I am still playing around with that.

Overall it was a relatively simple conversion that achieved a great result. That is all for now, I hopefully will have another update sometime next week.
No weapon arm
Singing Spear