Monday, 4 February 2013

Current Projects

Lately I've been sorting through all my current projects, and there are quite a few that have been sitting around, slowly being built up, but of course are still in the boxes and on the sprues. So I guess my goal for this year is to get a majority of them off the sprues, assembled and ready to be painted, or painted. Of course, that's easier said that done. I tend to be quite finicky about assembling models, and try to make them as unique as I can, but hopefully I can restrain that when it comes to models that are meant to be rank and file :P

Most of everything currently reside inside tool boxes and in plastic storage drawers
Some of the Pile
At some stage I need to invest in some proper cases to store models in so they are kept secure and protected form damage once they are painted and such. The tool boxes are nice, but really only are useful for storing unpainted models since they do move around quite a bit.
More stashed away

Currently I have the following projects/armies in the works:

Warhammer 40k:

  • Eldar
  • Inquisitorial/Ecclesiarchy Project

Warhammer Fantasy:

  • High Elves
  • Dwarfs

Lord of the Rings/Hobbit SBG
  • Basically a mix of both Good and Evil. Really any model/characters I enjoy get added to the collection

  • Early Imperial Romans
  • Thirty Years War (Imperialists and Swedish)
  • Sengoku Jidai Samurai
  • French Napoleonics
  • Flames of War Germans
  • a Hand full of Wars of the Roses Plastics from Perry Miniatures

I believe that is everything, plus a few models I have picked up just to paint, which are not part of a project or army. There are many more projects and armies I'd love to sink my teeth into, but I would like to focus on getting these ones further progressed and closer to being "complete" before starting anything new.

In my next few posts I'd like to detail on each project specifically and show its current state and such before I begin working on them. I jump back and forth between projects so will be working on one thing here, another thing there and then a few other things at the same time to help keep things fresh and driven. 

I will do my best to show my progress on things as I go rather than suddenly having a load of things done out of nowhere, but occasionally I may get carried away :P

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