Friday, 8 February 2013

Eldar overview and current workings


Hands down my favorite race of the Warhammer 40k universe. I highly enjoy the look and feel of them, and also the way each unit is a specialist in a certain art of war, over being a jack of all trades. 

I have been collecting Eldar for a while, they are my oldest current collection, before them being Space Marines which was my first ever army (which tends to be the case for many people). But after looking into other areas of 40k, I purchased a box Farseer and Warlocks shortly after they had been redone in 2006, and I was set on Eldar. Since then I sold off my Space Marines to fund my Eldar army, and it has grown to a decent size, but of course not a whole lot is actually painted, and much of what was painted has been stripped of paint. 

Nestled safely, but for what reason without paint?
I nearly have at least one everything, minus Swooping Hawks, Jetbikes and Wraithguard- all of which I'm awaiting new kits, and I lack War Walkers, Heavy Support Weaponry (which I mostly have equipped in other areas anyway) and a Wave Serpant. The last 3 more because I just haven't really thought about them, bar the Wave Serpants, which I would like to get, but want to finish the current grav tanks I currently own.

Grav tanks and Grav unassembled mess.

The army currently consist of (based on model count)

2 Farseers and 3 Warlocks
Eldard Ulthran (Which may end up being kitbashed/converted since I'm not overly keen on the model)
10 Guardian Defenders
10 Dire Avengers
5 Rangers
6 Striking Scorpions 
6 Howling Banshees
6 Warp Spiders
6 Fire Dragons
6 Harlequins- Including Death Jester and Shadowseer
5 Dark Reapers
2 Vypers
1 Falcon Grav Tank
1 Fire Prison/Night Spinner (magnetized to allow for both weapon configs)
2 Wraithlords
1 Wraithseer
and last but definitely not least, 2 Avatar of Khaines, the GW and Forgeworld Variants.

Father and Son?
Definitely a major size difference between to two, but still will be cool to have both painted up and side by side. The list also reflects my love of aspect warriors and Wraith lords having nearly 1 of each Aspect Warrior and 3 Wraith lords (including the Seer). I would like to bulk up on troop choices however, and will probably pick up another unit of Dire Avengers and would like to get some Storm Guardians.

I am currently torn between what craftworld I would like to represent. Its up between Saim Hann, which is what I originally began with, or Ulthwe. I enjoy both colour schemes, thou I do usually prefer brighter colours for Eldar, and I enjoy the background of Ulthwe more, and the rune symbol of the Saim Hann more. So its going to be a tough decision. 

One reason why I have ended up stripping paint of a lot of models is since the collection is one of my first, my painting level and the way I painted at the time were very different to how I paint now. When I first started out, and for the first few years I painted straight out of the pot without using a pallet, and I NEVER water down my paint, which leads to blotchy and pasty result of paint on the model. An example of that is the Wraith Lord in the above picture, which I painted around 4 years ago. While he may look nice, he would most likely come out much smoother and cleaner. I think I may leave him like that so I can compare him to the other Wraith Lord when he is painted. Thou depending on what Craftworld I decide on, that might be hard to do effectively 

Wraithseer/Lord bits

So that's the general lot of it. Most are assembled and just need to be based and painted. A few need assembly. One of my Farseers, a few Warlocks and some of the Exarch's are in the process of being converted, which I will show in the next Eldar post. I will probably do a test paint on some Guardians to work out what Craftworld to pick, and also have that up, but for the moment will continue posting up the other armies/projects current states.

I'm also currently working on a commission for a friend, which has kept me busy.
Blood knights and Khalidia
The first half is mostly done minus attaching the standard to the blood knights, Matt varnish and flock. I also have a Vampire lord on Zombie Dragon to do, which should be fun to do.

Hopefully the next Project post will not be as long. This one took longer due to being more over the place than my other projects, which are more neatly sorted due to being newer. 

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